Yes, we guarantee 100% authenticity of all products. All shoes are purchased from trusted retailers and get inspected by our team before listed on pyrsneakers.ch.
Absolutely! Contact us after the order has been placed and we will arrange a meetup.
Every product listed on pyrsneakers.ch is in stock and can be processed for shipping right after your order. This means that you will get your pair of shoes within 1-7 business days (in Switzerland).
Yes, we will always provide a tracking number.
Unfortunately this is not possible as all sales are final. Returns are only accepted due to determination errors on our end. Please refer to our return & refund policy.
Deadstock means shoes that are brand-new, in their original box, with all their tags and unworn. PYR sneakers only sells products which are labeled as *deadstock*.
Unfortunately not, since the shoes cannot be labeled as *deadstock* anymore once they were tried on. If you have any questions or concerns about the size or fit of a particular product on our website, please contact us before purchasing.
In such cases feel free to contact our support team. As shoes are usually restocking, we might be able to get your size with the next restock.
They stand for kid’s sizes (Grade school, Preschool & Toddler) These shoes are made for children and do not only vary in size but also in type and material. On pyrsneakers.ch we do list all shoes in EU sizing and use these abbreviations to tag children’s shoes.